Full Guide To Successful Android App Marketing

App market is growing fast. If a decade ago it was enough to place your application on Google Play store to get some users’ attention, now popularity requires a lot more.
What stands behind successful app? Lots of money paid for advertisingand promotion, fresh and interesting concept of the application, optimized textual content. All these won’t work well if you use marketing or promo-tools randomly. First, what you shall do is building a strategy.
Most guidelines published in internet say you should only create unique, interesting and useful app. The reality is different: even a valuable application won’t be seen among diversity of modern offers. After you develop an application, your number one task is to work on positive image and to make people see it.
This article is created to give you a sober and very detailed understanding of how app stores work. Here we avoid giving advice like make your app different’ or ‘create something unique’. We’ve crafted this guide to let you build real-working strategy.
Step 1: Get Acquainted With Your Clients
Trying to create an app for everyone is a huge mistake. The bigger mistake is to craft a promo-campaign that will be aimed at all internet users at once. First, you shall find out who is more likely to become your potential buyers: mothers, children, sportsmen, car drivers, etc. The more detailed portrait you get, the better understanding on where to move you have.
Use statistics data and tools to know age, gender, location and interests of your consumers. Target your promo-campaigns on those people who are more likely to notice your offer.
Step 2: Discover Some Positive Sides of Having Competitors
It’s always upsetting to see how many successful competitors you have. However, it may appear much better if you think about copying their marketing strategy.
Monitor market to find out weak and strong points of your competitors. You can use the data to know how to present your app.Moreover, analyzing of competitors’ target audience, you see who can be interested in your product clearly.
Let your competitors become your teachers. Just watch how they promote their products and apply their best ideas for your business.
Step 3: Get Better Understanding of a Market
If your app doesn’t get much attention it doesn’t always mean it’s bad, it may mean that there are only a few people interested in what you offer. To know if your idea is popular and able to attract internet-crowd, make a small research. Check how popular similar applications are.
Games and entertainments
If your app doesn’t get much attention it doesn’t always mean it’s bad, it may mean that there are only a few people interested in what you offer. To know if your idea is popular and able to attract internet-crowd, make a small research. Check how popular similar applications are.
To know if people will like your app, ask them directly. For this purpose you can use social sites. Reddit may be especially helpful to understand what people think about your offers. Here, on Reddit you can also see what is the most trading topic for your targeting group: simply choose the field your app connected to and check most popular topics accordingly.
To understand what is trending among internet users, check native Google service called Google Trends. This service will show you how popular certain searches are. Enter keywords that are associated with your offer and see how often people go to internet for this. You’ll see not only current number of searches but will also find a graphic showing what’s going on with the trend. Some graphics will go down so you’ll understand that the issue is loosing its popularity, others will stay stable for a long period and, finally, there are graphics that are rising up. Growing graphic means there’s strong interest in the field and you have good chances to succeed.
Finding Your Niche
It’s easier to grow when you find your niche, than if you produce mass-market products. Developing an app that can be useful for everyone looks attractive. You may think about how many potential clients you can get. However, attraction of the idea fades when you see number of competitors you have to deal with.
Mass-market has its strong leaders that are not going to leave their place. To survive, you have to work really hard. However, even if you take a good place in the field of mass-market, be ready for new and ambitious competitors that appear every day.
If you are looking for long-lasting opportunities, try to stop on specific niche and develop your products there. For example, food market is huge, there are millions of competitors and thousands of offers that will look more attractive than yours. If you narrow your offer to food for people with gluten intolerance, you have more chances to be noticed. Same principles work about apps of any sort.
App Marketing
Any marketing strategy starts from a plan. Begin from determining main stages:
- Pre-launch activity;
- Launch;
- Post-launch activity.
Most marketers concentrate on launch and post-launch activities, while it’s correct to pay much attention at preparation or pre-launch actions as well.
Stage 1: Pre-launch
Start promoting your app before it’s ready. Gather potential clients and those who may be interested in the topic. Prepare a landing page for the site that is dedicated to your app. Try to promote it within social sites: Facebook, Reddit, Medium etc.
Creating an interest around your future app will also allow you collecting contacts of your potential clients: e-mails, social profiles etc.When you upload your app, you can attract more users to view, rate and download it quickly. This is necessary to improve ranking of your application and to make it noticeable.
What can be done:
- Create your landing page on popular resources that can be easily promoted.
- Post articles on your blogs and ask popular bloggers to review your app.
- Promote your application using in-app promotion (your promo-poster or video will be shown inside other applications).
- Ask some online magazines to write about your product.
- Optimize your app name and description for fast and easy search on Play Store and other app-stores.
- Interpret your app content (including screen shots) to several languages if it can be sold to people from different countries.
- Use ASO principles, creating app description and promos.
- Choose most appealing screenshots for your app. Ask people to vote and to help you find most interesting images, using social platforms and online surveys.
- Choose a proper icon for your app. To decide which one looks more interesting, order Google Adwards promotion. Create several versions of ads with different pictures. Choose minimal budget that will allow you to have an idea of which image attracts more potential customers.
- Create promos on social sites like Instagram or Facebook, asking people to download, to rate or to tag their friends for getting a prize from you.
- Start to build connections with leaders of minds and journalists, involve them into conversation, comment their twits and posts. Make them notice your brand and e-mail them later when your app is launched to attract their interest.
- Create related community on social sites before launching your product. This will allow you to stimulate early interest in your offers and to reach more people when your app will be on Google Store.
- Check what your target audience think about your product. Collect reviews, ask people to say what they think or what they expect. This will allow you improving your product before the launch.
- Choose analytic tools that will help you collect valuable statistic data right after the launch.
- Upload your app to sites for beta-testing. You can choose popular preapps.com or similar services.
- Check what your competitors do to promote their products.
Stage 2: Launch
After your app is launched, it’s time for quick actions. If you worked effectively on pre-launch stage, now it’s easier to tun your launch-campaign successfully.
- E-mail journalists, experts and bloggers whose contacts you collected during pre-launch preparation. Be sure your e-mails are short, informative and friendly. Use simple words and short sentences. Make sure your e-mail contains clickable link that leads directly to your site or to an app. Use services that allow monitoring if your e-mails were opened or no. In the case your e-mail was not delivered, you can try to contact people otherwise, as there is still chance they are interested.
- Start your paid promo-campaigns. If you prepared your ads and decided on where and how to promote your app during pre-launch preparation, now it’s time to run adverts.
- Use TappX or similar services to exchange promotions with other developers. Such services help you to contact your potential partners and to promote each other’s apps for free.
- If your app is paid, make it free for some time. This will allow you increasing number of downloads and views.
- Create promo-codes that shall be given by journalists or popular bloggers to their readers.
- Use popular forums to speak about your app. Try to make your messages look organic, avoid direct advertising