Working Techniques to Get Positive Comments from Users

Ratings and reviews are important. And in this article, we will reveal the details and explain why you need to pay more credit to these aspects.
Reviews are important to draw the attention of other users. They are hooked by positive commentaries and decide to try the app. This way, the conversion increases, and so increases the popularity of the app. Furthermore, with the request to leave some feedback about the app, you encourage the action.
Reasons why you need to ensure a top place in the ratings
When users look for the app or come across one on the Internet, they will pay huge attention to the feedback on your page. Why is it important, and how can it impact the success of your app?- If the rating is low, people are going to choose another app because reviews and ratings are the only things that can help the user build the decision.
- If your app has a lot of positive commentaries, the system will automatically get it higher in the overall rating. Thus, more people will see it. These are your potential users.
- The better rating you have, the more chances there are for your app to come to prominence.
1. You need to bring value to the user
When describing the features and major functionalities of the app, you need to stick to reality. If you overdo and mention redundant features, you raise the expectations of the users. You can write a lot of things to draw attention to. But to make people leave commentaries without force, you need to talk business. Your app is supposed to solve a particular issue. This is it. A user has a problem, and your app can resolve it. Adhering to this simple concept, you can ensure high engagement. Users will leave positive feedback even if you don’t ask them for it.It is impossible to assess the app objectively. Some people enjoy the app. But some users find it difficult to use. Therefore, you cannot always expect to receive positive commentaries. The only thing you can do is test the app. If you test the application and then optimize it to the needs of people, you should have no worries about the outcome.
Another tip is to make your audience more loyal to the app. You can do it by offering a discount or free plan. It will impact their impression and make them leave positive feedback.
2. Mind personal space
If you knock at the door continuously asking the user to tell a few words about the app, you shouldn’t expect a positive response. This is the way to annoy the user but not amuse him. You can send hints and prompts to help people make a decision and leave a comment. But it should be a well-optimized process. If you leave it alone and still wait for the fruits, we have bad news for you.Another way to encourage people to tell a few words about the app is to incorporate the feature in the app. You can develop a new section in the menu that can directly transfer the user to the feedback section. This is an easy and unobtrusive way to make the user help you rate the app.
You can also write the information in the description. This is a small section of the App Store. It should be a simple request. It is not proved to be the most effective method. But if you choose the correct words and write a persuasive call to action, it may work.
3. Never leave comments without answers
If the user decides to comment on the page and assess the app, you need to answer the commentary. Be it positive or negative feedback, and you need to express appreciation and write a response. Users want to know that you have noticed their efforts. This way, they feel valued and can become more loyal to your application.If you don’t answer with positive feedback, the person who left it will feel underestimated. You don’t need it. You need to send at least a few words to demonstrate your appreciation.
4. Be creative
To create an app in demand, you need to work on it. You have to gather a team of experts to serve a mutual goal. An app consists of several elements. You need a person dealing with the design and stylistic things. Another expert has to collect the necessary information to create relevant content. You also need help from a developer if you don’t have the appropriate skills. And don’t forget about methodology. These are key elements of a well-designed app. To meet the needs of a picky customer, you need to follow the updates and enhance every process within your app.5. Respond to negative feedback
There are 2 types of negative comments. Some of them are not true. People write to them because they may have a personal interest in it. But some comments are worth pointing out too. They are written on purpose, and your task is to react to them.If you don’t answer the negative feedback, you risk making an enemy. Your task as a developer is to defend the app with objective arguments. If someone is not satisfied with the service, you cannot ignore it. If there are grounds to complain about your app, it is better to draw attention to the commentary and plead guilty. This way, you will show your readiness to improve the usability to need the needs of the users.
6. What you should do and what is better to avoid: tips to make you app a success
These tips will help you master the communication with the users:- Try to interact with people satisfied with the app. If you simply ask a person to leave a commentary, you are more likely to be rejected. But when you take a more personal approach, you will surely achieve your goal of communication.
- If you see that a person doesn’t like the service, demonstrate your interest and motivation to help. Send the form to fill or suggest to specify the drawbacks of the app.
- Never write a lot of text in notifications. If you exceed the limit of 100 characters, the alert won’t work.
- Don’t make the user leave the feedback if the user experience is too short.
- Try to stick to a set number of prompts for the user. If you overdo the notifications and alerts, you may annoy the user.
- If you see that a customer was not performing great activity, don’t try so hard to ask for feedback.
- The user won’t give your app the highest mark if you ask him to do it. So don’t be too harsh with your requests.