Keywords brainstorm – useful tool in mobile app promotion

App Marketing – Brainstorming Keywords
In any app marketing project there is a problem – app discovery. App stores contain thousands of app. What should you do to let people find your product? The key to this problem is KWO (keyword optimization). Your success and popularity depend on your visibility within the search engine. You should start your optimization with keywords/phrases. Just find out words that can lead potential clients to your app.
Follow these tips when you brainstorm keywords:
- Self Brainstorming What words/phrases come to your mind when you thing about this app? Don’t forget to count all the complexity of the brain, our culture and history. What is the functionality of your app? Who will use it and for what cases?
- Discover Google AdWords Keywords Tool This wonderful tool will help you generate lots of new words. Make sure that all words relate to your app. This tool will use all current keywords for generating phrases. You should filter your keywords regularly adding or removing some of them. Your app must have only relevant keywords/phrases.
- Find our what keywords your competitors have Literally, you have to spy their keywords/phrases. App market is so full now so you will definitely have competitors. List them all with similar theme/functionality. You work with the same target audience so you must find ways to attract them to your app as well. Study their reviews and try to overcome them or improve weak points
- Thesaurus and other synonym resources This is a good alternative to describe your app in a unique way. Similar idea can be conveyed differently and more effective. Never ignore online options and tools searching for relevant keywords/phrases.